welcome blog post, love becomes her is transitioning to vandissab.com

Updates Around Here: Welcome To It

After 5 fun years blogging at Love Becomes Her, it’s time for a new look and a new name.

After much consideration and a lot of hard work, I’ve humbly decided to combine our two beloved websites, LBH and PPE, into one fantastic new platform. Why, you ask? Well, as the topics we covered began to overlap more and more, it just made sense to bring everything together in one convenient place. This consolidation not only streamlines content but also makes things much easier on the backend.

Let’s take a quick look back at the 3 most popular posts ever.

  1. How to Penpal
  2. Our Birth Story: How I Had My First Baby at Home
  3. Setting Up Your Recipe Journal

Good times, and awesome community around all three of these posts. So many fond memories. If you were around back then, mahalo.

Where I’ve Been

  • Our family moved (again), we started homeschooling, and I am currently in the process of becoming a scout troop leader for my kiddo.
  • Almost unbelievable — I started another business! Luxury picnics. After a few months of burnout, I closed down the sticker shop. It did not feel authentic anymore since I wasn’t making any more stickers for myself. I found myself not having much time to journal or memory keep, and when I did, I realized I was not using my own products. I just knew selling my stickers was not serving me the way it used to.
  • I woke up and realized I don’t like the backend bustle, I just like making stickers. Sometimes I enjoy hoarding them more than even using them in my journaling lol. Once the sticker shop shut down I slowly began making fun little ones that we relevant to the time and space I am in now. I enjoy making. I had to truly evaluate and decide what I could continue to create, what I would enjoy sharing with you, and what I have the mental space for right now. The overlap is where we are now.
  • Creating Notion templates, because apparently that’s something I thoroughly enjoy doing and am good at (see reviews on my Notion for Content Creators Dashboard). I will be finishing up a few more very soon and you can check them out here if you’re interested.

I am sad to see my little shop go but I know it was time. I am moving into a different season of my life and am so excited to share it with you here. Let’s see what’s next!

Why The Rebrand?

  • Like I said, it was simply time for a change for me personally. Love Becomes Her started in a time when I was discussing topics that I have now outgrown. Even the name was born from a more cynical past V who just didn’t believe in the some of what I have grown to today.
  • A good problem to have, many of the topics on one blog would sometimes overlap with the other. It just makes more sense to move everything to one personal blog. There are still going to be some very niche blog posts at Pretty Pretty, but the rest will live right here.
  • Consolidates things and makes it a little easier on the backend and hopefully will save me some time and energy.

What to Expect Around Here

  • I am going to try my darndest to just stick to three main categories. (You know how I can be.) There will of course be subcategories that are related.
  • From now on, I will only focus my social media presence to the platforms that I enjoy. That year or so taking a break from Instagram truly helped my mental health and now I know where my people are, and where I know I can meet them.
  • Journaling: These posts will be a sort of accountability buddy while you get started or are re-starting your journaling practice. We’ll share tips and inspiration for better journaling habits, both in analog and digital journal formats. And of course, we are still chipping away at our memory keeping and recipe journals in this little corner of the internet.
  • Homeschool: I want to share as I learn to navigate through the adventure that is our homeschool approach. We can chat about all the different ways we can introduce lessons, stay organized, and remain active and engaged through the school year.
  • Events: Personally, I prefer intimate little gatherings and celebrations of what would usually just be another day. Thanks to all those weeks and months “stuck at home” I have discovered that I truly do enjoy putting together beautiful tablescapes and making fun little gifts or recipes just to make things feel more special.

You’ll be able to find out the latest here on the blog as always. But I will also be sharing short videos and other fun little things on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Feedback and Future Plans

Your input has always been valuable, friend. Please continue to share your thoughts and feedback in blog post comments and ratings on products and freebies as I continue to update and improve where I can.

I’m thrilled to embark on this new journey with you and can’t wait to hear what you think about our new combined site. The goal is to make your experience as enjoyable and informative as possible, and I am confident that this consolidation is a big step in the right direction. So go ahead, explore the new site, and let me know your thoughts. Welcome to the next chapter!

— Vandissa xox

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